






Exchange server acting up? Blame those iOS 6.1 users, then ban them

Exchange server acting up? Blame those iOS 6.1 users, then ban them

sick-3g-cjrReports are rolling in that Apple has messed up once again, and that their latest iOS 6.1 update is causing iPhones and iPads to overloads 2007 and 2010 Exchange Servers by constantly logging in to the server.
This is of course affecting the other users of the same server, leading to IT admins asking iOS users not to upgrade to the latest OS or face being blocked from the service.
We were forwarded an email from Mark from his IT describing exactly this scenario.
They write:
Over the recent days we’ve been experiencing sporadic occurrences of Apple devices (iPhone, iPad, iTouch) that stop communicating with our email system Exchange.  Working with Microsoft and Apple, they have identified an issue in IOS 6.1 that if a user updates, deletes, modifies, accepts any calendar entry from their i-device it causes problems with the Exchange server that impacts all or many other users with a multitude of different problems.  There is at this time no resolution from Apple/Microsoft.  This is occurring globally.

Immediate Recommendation:
1.       Do not upgrade your IOS to 6.1
2.       If you have already upgraded your IOS to 6.1 Do NOT update, delete, modify, accept, save any calendar entries – you should do nothing in calendaring except view!
IT action against non-compliance:
If a user performs changes of any kind, like outlined above, to their calendar while in 6.1 our logs will indicate the abuser and we will disable that device from accessing Exchange.
We are sorry for this inconvenience but are currently at the control of Apple and Microsoft.  We will update you of any changes.
So if your Exchange server is acting it, it may be your next-door’s neighbour’s iPhone to blame.  Make sure to remind them off that ;)

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