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Google Maps for iOS downloaded 10 million times in 48 hours

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You've been living under a rock if you've missed all the media attention surrounding Apple Maps, the company's mobile answer to Google Maps. Plagued by missing places, wrong directions and more 'bugs', Apple's mapping service isn't that popular. It seems Google's app however has become quite popular in a very short amount of time: it's already the top free app in the App Store since it was launched about a week ago. 
Jeff Huber, senior vice president of Commerce & Local at Google, announced on Google+ that Google Maps for iOS has been downloaded 10 million times within the first two days of availability:
We're excited for the positive reception of Google Maps for iPhone around the world. Congratulations to the Maps Team on the recognition for the passion and hard work they poured into it, for this release and over the last 7+ years.
Google Maps has been the standard application on Apple's mobile devices since the launch of the first iPhone back in 2007, but Apple replaced the app to be less dependent on Google as it has become it's main rival in the mobile area. The new Google Maps brings back popular features as Street View and transit directions that Apple hasn't implemented in their Maps app yet.
In case you haven't downloaded Google Maps yet, which is also available for iOS 5.1, you can download it on the App Store.

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