






Only 6500 Nokia Lumia 920′s sold in Russia in the first week

A few hours ago, the Russian twitter community heard an alarming statement Lukanina Victor, vice president of the company “Euroset”, regarding the number of Nokia Lumia 920s sold in the first week of sales. The wording of his statement was somewhat vague, which has led to misinterpretations of many journalists.    Winphonelive.ru decided to put an end to speculation and contacted the PR-department “Euroset”. Here’s what they found out.
Ulyana Smolskaya, head of PR-service, in a telephone conversation clarified that 4500 Nokia Lumia 920 units were sold in Russia by large retail chains (Euroset, Svyaznoy and MTS) in the first week! This represents about 70% of all sales (for the first week) for this model in Russia, meaning in total about  only about 6500 Nokia Lumia 920 handsets were sold.
Of course on Euroset the handset is not in fact available for sale, suggesting these low numbers are really a problem related to supply rather than demand. Hopefully Nokia can correct the issue very soon and satisfy holiday demand before it fades. It does raise caution however that sold out does not necessarily means tens or hundreds of thousands sold.

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