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Just when you thought you’ve seen everything the iPad is capable of, along comes a nifty app like Foldify, which takes the tablet in a new and totally awesome direction. What is Foldify? It’s an upcoming app that lets you design foldable papercraft creations right on your iPad, then print them out and bend them into the 3D figures you’ve dreamed up. In other words, it’s like a homebrew foldable.me.
Foldify’s developers haven’t said much about the app — we don’t even know its scheduled release date — but the video down at the bottom of this article shows off the basic process of creating a 3D paper figure, from choosing a template to selecting pre-drawn features to coloring the whole thing in. The preview pane is an especially nice touch, giving you a glimpse of your creation in glorious 3D before you go to the trouble of AirPrinting it out.

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