






PocketCloud Hits the iPad, Windows RT, the Web, and Dell PCs

Dell Wyse’s PocketCloud Explore apps have proven to be a helpful tool for accessing files stored on your PC when you’re out and about with a mobile device. Installing PocketCloud Companion program on your PC transforms your computer into a quasi-server, the contents of which you can peruse, search and download via the PocketCloud Explore mobile app’s file explorer-esque interface.

Today, Dell announced support for several new platforms that makes PocketCloud Explore even more flexible and compelling than before. Every single Dell Inspiron and Dell XPS sold after November 15th has already started shipping with the PocketCloud Companion PC client preinstalled. Even better, you’ll be able to connect to those computers (or any PC with PocketCloud Companion installed) from most major mobile platforms, as Dell also announced availability of PocketCloud Explore apps for the iPad and Windows 8/RT.

The new apps join the iOS and Android apps that have been available for a while now. The free version of PocketCloud Explore lets you connect to a single remote PC to transfer files up to 25MB in size, and audio/video streaming in 30 second bursts. Paying for a $5 per month premium subscription in-app ups those limits to 10 remote computers, 100MB files, and unlimited media streaming. Dell Wyse also offers a PocketExplore Remote Desktop app, which functions like any typical remote desktop app.

Today, Dell unveiled a third remote file management option with PocketCloud Web, a new service that allows you to browse the files stored on your PCs via any Web browser, making them accessible even when you’re far away from your PocketCloud Explore-equipped mobile device. You can sign up for PocketCloud Web over on the PocketCloud website.

We were deeply impressed with PocketCloud Explore when we went hands-on with the service at the Mobile World Conference this year, and the expanded functionality should only improve PocketCloud even more.

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