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Yesterday the Google Play Store put the Nexus 4 back up for sale, but shortly thereafter the length of delivery time required for the smartphone began to increase exponentially. The Nexus 4 may be available for order, but you’ll have to wait a few weeks to get your hands on the device.

As soon as the Nexus 4 was back in the Play Store, the wait time lengthened. It started at 1-2 weeks and grew quickly from there. Currently the wait for the 16 GB Nexus 4 is 4-5 weeks.Those who want to purchase the 8 GB version have a even longer delay, with delivery dates estimated in 8-9 weeks. In all likelihood, customers won’t be seeing their new Nexus 4 anytime this year!
Due to the incredibly high demand for the Nexus 4, Google decided to keep the ordering option open and reminded customers that they would need to take extended delivery time into consideration. It’s a testament to Google that the Nexus 4 is selling so rapidly and it signals an upswing for the search engine-turned-tech-giant.
Just don’t get too impatient or upset if your Nexus 4 arrives after the New Year or, worst case scenario, by Easter.

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