






Nokia released 3D printing designs and specifications for Nokia Lumia 820 back cover

Nokia released 3D printing designs and specifications for Nokia Lumia 820 back cover

You could create your own custom rugged shell with 3D printing.
If you have a hankering for a Nokia Lumia 820 back cover that also has a a kick-stand, and you also have a 3D printer (increasingly affordable at around $2000 these days) Nokia has just made it a lot easier to print your own battery cover.
The company, which already uses 3D printing to rapidly prototype phones and cases, have released the full “3D-printing Development Kit” with all the documentation you’ll need, including ”3D templates, case specs, recommended materials and best practices.”
With some modification we can imagine all kinds of great designs that will fit just as snugly as the real thing.
Download the Lumia 820 3D-printing Development Kit (1)(2)(3) at the links supplied.
Is there are particular feature our readers would want to add to their own back cover, as I imagine even if you do not have your own printer, someone who has one could very easily set up their own little cottage industry making our fancies real.  Let us know below.

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