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Qu'advient-il si je mon perds smartphone

Our devices are becoming a must, and be without a phone for many is synonymous with being disconnected. Not only use the computer to make or receive calls, as well as storage units and personal information, even for online transactions like banking consultations, shopping and more.

For this reason, we recommend that you follow these simple steps on what to do if you lose your device.

Protect access to your Smartphone:

Prevention as the first recommendation, if they steal your computer, is not only to allow the PIN code access, but also to have another set password security to unlock the phone by an unlock pattern .

Support the program:

Another important aspect to consider is to make a backup of the contacts you have on your computer for this we recommend that you use the backup program is available for you to be a Entel to customers. To look at our selection of more information on this procedure.


Most smartphones have an IMEI number, which is the International Mobile Equipment Identity, in simple words is a code that differentiates one device from another. If you lose your phone, we recommend that you call 103 and give this number to turn off your computer. For the code you just dial * # 06 # and see the information.


The solution is very simple, we recommend that you download only tools Play Store, App Store. It may seem logical to you, but there are not certified applications and may contain viruses or other threat to your computer.


This is a highly recommended practice, and you'll be good to save all information containing your smartphone: directory, photos, videos, documents, etc.. In case something happens to your phone, you can restore the data to another quickly and efficiently.

Social Networks:

Access to social networking applications deserve special mention. This is because Facebook, Twitter and more often storing passwords. If your computer was lost or stolen, a malicious user could access your profile and could even happen to you. Therefore, it is advisable to configure applications for entering the password every time you want to use to avoid problems.

And you still have some of these tips? If the answer is no, I suggest you start doing it, especially on the issue of the agenda backup Entel have at your disposal.

Qué pasa si se me pierde mi Smartphone

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