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No Google Apps for Windows 8 & Windows Phone

Google was in the news today with the launch of their Maps application on iOS but it looks like Windows 8 isn’t going to be getting similar attention from the Search giant. In an interview with V3, Google Apps product management director Clay Bavor said that “we have no plans to build out Windows apps.”
No Google Apps for Windows 8 & Windows Phone
Google hasn’t completely neglected Microsoft’s latest platform, the Windows Store does have Google’s Chrome browser as ell as a Google Search App. But it looks like that’s all that we’re going to be seeing from them for some time.
Bavor explained that “we are very careful about where we invest and will go where the users are but they are not on Windows Phone or Windows 8.” It seems they feel there just isn’t a demand for their apps on Windows 8. All isn’t lost however, as he did add in that if there was an interest “we would invest there, of course,”.
So where will Google be placing their resources? Looks like iOS and Android apps will be getting some love as well as its cloud-based offerings like Drive and Gmail.
What do you think? Is Google right in neglecting Windows Phone and Windows 8?

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